battle of wills

美 [ˈbætl əv wɪlz]英 [ˈbætl ɒv wɪlz]
  • 意志的较量;考验意志的持久战
battle of willsbattle of wills
  1. For example , being in a battle of wills can be difficult .


  2. A battle of wills is when two people or groups are equally determined to get what they want .


  3. The President offered compromises to parliament to defuse the battle of wills over who should wield power .


  4. And what should have been the most relaxing , the most intimate , the most tender moment of the day , when a dad sits down to read to his son , became instead this kind of gladiatorial battle of wills , a clash between my speed and his slowness .


  5. Do not get into an emotional battle of wills with the exam .


  6. A battle of wills can get very heated .


  7. Their marriage became a fierce battle of wills .


  8. In many homes , bedtime still remains a battle of wills between parents and children .


  9. But if you find yourself in a battle of wills , remember you have the free will to walk away .


  10. But in China , where smartphone penetration remains lower , analysts see China Mobile 's iPhone subsidy as a battle of wills .


  11. Designed as an act of deterrence against North Korea , it has turned into something of a battle of wills with China .


  12. In a fantasy land of fearsome beasts , he is allowed to tame and conquer the way he would never be allowed to do at home , eventually becoming their honored king after a battle of wills .
